Here's a quick way to find out if what you say to others is as cruel as it is unnecessary, whether you think so or not. Take your
insistence to say whatever it is you choose with your head up your ass
and your temper in your mouth and say it inwardly to yourself, first. In
direct proportion to your own insecurities and fears, eat it. Tuck in.
Chew and swallow the whole of it. If it causes pain without truth,If it hurts and bruises you to swallow it, and you
say it to someone else anyway, then you are indeed as savage as you are ineffective".
"When you give someone more than 'one more chance' to redeem themselves in your estimation, and it seems as though no matter how many times you give them the benefit of the doubt it does not happen, it would be wise to consider that perhaps they are not seeing this as a chance at all and are, instead, giving themselves yet one more opportunity, to do less at your expense."
" Fear, anxiety, vengeance, retribution, pain, and inflicted immeasurable suffering are the dismantling tools of the corrupt and reprehensible. Loathe them in your life for those who purposefully, and by their own choice, took the laziest of approaches to gain for themselves with apathy what others paid the full price for with an inescapable virtue to grieve, or to care, or to weep. Give neither mercy nor pity to destructive people. Those qualities should be reserved for those who deserve the opportunity to rise above their own human condition, and not cut down before they were ever given a chance."
"Love is the abstract quality and an expression of 'exemplified and unconditional endearment'. The highest and most specific definition of true magic, it is the use of means (by thought or action) believed to have supernatural power over, and superior to, natural and physical forces. It is created by one, and manifested in another, by their combined belief and faith that it exists at all for a purpose beyond explanation. It so clearly defines the result of their intentions so as to become the fulcrum of a knowable, yet undeniably invisible truth, that can be hefted as surely as the weight of a stone in your hand, without ever being seen."
"Using a persons own trust and belief in your credibility as the means to sway their decisions to your own personal benefit is already the epitome of disrespect, regardless of how much you think you deserve it. But by allowing them to suffer both the consequences and indignities of that decision alone, and with every intention to condone judgements and criticisms by others, regardless of your complicity, is an atrocity."
"When you give someone more than 'one more chance' to redeem themselves in your estimation, and it seems as though no matter how many times you give them the benefit of the doubt it does not happen, it would be wise to consider that perhaps they are not seeing this as a chance at all and are, instead, giving themselves yet one more opportunity, to do less at your expense."
" Fear, anxiety, vengeance, retribution, pain, and inflicted immeasurable suffering are the dismantling tools of the corrupt and reprehensible. Loathe them in your life for those who purposefully, and by their own choice, took the laziest of approaches to gain for themselves with apathy what others paid the full price for with an inescapable virtue to grieve, or to care, or to weep. Give neither mercy nor pity to destructive people. Those qualities should be reserved for those who deserve the opportunity to rise above their own human condition, and not cut down before they were ever given a chance."
"Love is the abstract quality and an expression of 'exemplified and unconditional endearment'. The highest and most specific definition of true magic, it is the use of means (by thought or action) believed to have supernatural power over, and superior to, natural and physical forces. It is created by one, and manifested in another, by their combined belief and faith that it exists at all for a purpose beyond explanation. It so clearly defines the result of their intentions so as to become the fulcrum of a knowable, yet undeniably invisible truth, that can be hefted as surely as the weight of a stone in your hand, without ever being seen."
"Using a persons own trust and belief in your credibility as the means to sway their decisions to your own personal benefit is already the epitome of disrespect, regardless of how much you think you deserve it. But by allowing them to suffer both the consequences and indignities of that decision alone, and with every intention to condone judgements and criticisms by others, regardless of your complicity, is an atrocity."
"Love of children, and love of a mate are completely different. Love of children is affectionate love, while love of a mate is intimate love. One is no less valid than the other. They can both be loved equally, in different ways for different reasons and at different times. But it's also not a contest where there is only enough for one at the expense of the other. You can feed cat food to a dog and it won't know to give a damn, but you can't feed dog food to a cat without it ultimately starving to death. Feed them different things, but feed them both. If you love them as you say, you won't pit one against the other for yourself.
" 'Perception' is like an artillery cannon on a battlefield. Placed well, it has the ability to deliver devastating blows with surgical precision to eradicate opposing threats at a distance. Placed poorly and with no idea how to load or aim it, and you may very well become your enemies most valued asset by accomplishing for them at close range, what use to take legions."
"I am never sorry of, nor have I ever regretted, any of the decisions I have chosen to make in my life. My resentments however, stem from the fact that the consistent assent and reaffirmation of my actions, from those on whom the decisions were dependent, should, in large part, have also included an ever increasing responsibility on their part to recognize the consequences of others beyond the mere asking that it be performed in their stead."
"Just because you saw the necessity to contribute more than your fair share of effort to an idea in order to have it succeed, does not also mean you should assume any more of the responsibility for its failure than what you would allow of yourself in the beginning, before the apathy of others caused it to fail, regardless of your intentions."
Growing a bit tired of people using their size alone to imply power. "Listen, Chunky, You may think your meaner than me, but if i cut the fat off the both of us I'm twice your size with half the delusion."
"When you make a promise to someone you have to be cognizant of the fact that it can ONLY be understood by THEIR own value system for what the promise implies. Not yours. That being said, a promise becomes infinitely more important because it requires you to react and behave to THEIR expectations, and not just to your own behavior."
Once upon a time a little boy wished for a dog. He begged and pleaded and promised to love a dog if only one would come. Finally, a puppy was brought to him. He loved having a dog and worked to train it to exactly as he wished. He taught it to sit, and it would sit. He taught it to stay and he would not move. He taught it to roll over, and without question the dog would roll over. Then he asked it to fetch, but the dog would not fetch. He demanded the dog fetch and it would not. Then he yelled at the dog and still it would not fetch. In the end the boy tied the dog to a tree and complained that perhaps a dog is not really all that important. But I wonder what the dog thought.
I take no offense to the concept of wealth in general, but when those who demand respect at a higher degree because of it,and with no right of mine to disagree how they achieved it, at the expense of those it was earned from, despite their efforts or intentions, is unconscionable. It is the perceived right to entitlement of elitists that has transformed simple prosperity into an obscenity they demand we ignore while keeping the accountability of actions as a purchased excuse for them to be less.
"A great many have demanded I perform, and to impossible standards, a menagerie of outrageous expectations; My time,energy,effort,patience, perseverance,silence, sacrifice, advice,understanding,reputation and ability, have all been expended beyond capacity. To those who have aided me by sacrificing the very same of themselves, you have my greatest admiration and truest apologies for pain caused to you, because of it. But to the rest...step up an shit out ONE OUNCE of that 'pound of flesh' you require of me every day, when you couldn't see fit to lift so much as a finger to help, a second of your time, or a penny of support, for anything more than the unjust opportunity to demand more."
"On Veteran's Day, do not thank a veteran. We need no thanks for what we felt we were returning to you, anyway. Instead, assemble a group of women and let everyone say something outrageous, then vote to see whose was the best. Buy a gun and then choose not to fire it. Pray on a bus (in the front seat if you happen to be black), go to a church and just sit there,read a controversial magazine, hug a lesbian, kiss a Jew,criticize a politician, burn a bra, drink from any water fountain you choose... and then go to bed knowing that have the right to do it all over again."
"When you demand the right and ability, above others,to be seen as making fair and honest, objective, opinions about two things, it would be wise not to be seen turning a blind eye to that which is directly beneath your own feet using a set of binoculars while simultaneously using a microscope to scrutinize with a critical eye at a distance."
"God did not design the world to have us believe that men would be expected to be the fully capable providers while the women would be beautiful, instead. He made us BOTH capable and unwisely provided ourselves the distinction of beauty as both the excuse and the reason to take from the other depending on which we had more of at the time."
" You can live for love, and you can live for money. Sometimes you can live for love and FIND money along the way, and that's good, but the inverse is nearly impossible. The saddest is to have a person demand both. As soon as you say it, a indelible tattooed price tag, unseen to you, erupts on your forehead. It displays not what you are worth to them, but what you are willing to settle on as the price of love FROM you. At that point, whether there is love in abundance for you or none at all, it is irrelevant. It is no longer priceless to either one."
"For most people(those who believe they are far too refined and intelligent) life is simply too complicated to be identified by quotations, parables, and adages. The others (for we are far too simplistic and ignorant) know better."
"When a child is born he looks at his hands. As soon as he uses the opposable thumbs we say "Don't take that". Then we tell them "Don't touch that", followed closely by "Don't use your middle finger,EVER!" and "Don't put your pinky in your nose." Then we say "You've got plenty of time to get married". Is it any small wonder that by the time they reach puberty we cant get them to do a goddamned thing and spend our time saying "Why won't you lift a finger to help around here?"