Friday, May 10, 2013


You do not get to demand you be heard 
if you do not know how to listen,
and by failing to to accomplish either, objectively,
you do not get the right
to be able to say  you communicate at all. 

   You do not. 
You do not get to feel real genuine love
if you can not understand sacrifice,
nor do you have love in return
if you believe you can demand it.
You can not claim to be courageous
without knowing fear.
one requires the awareness of the other
and if you can see that
then you will never know what it means to be brave or courageous.
  You will not.
You can not trust if you are not willing
to set yourself up be destroyed.
You have to stand exposed
and believe you will be protected.
You can not feel true pride from others
 if you manufacture hubris instead and believe it is the same thing.

It is not.
 You can not have worth
 if you are not valued.
 You can not know true comfort
 if there is always imagined fear.
 All of these are dependent
 on either the understanding of the difference
 or the ability to make one accountable
 for what it affects others.

 Most importantly,
 you simply can not gain the full admiration
 and love of another person
 if you are towering above them on a ladder,
 nor can you assume you love another
 if you are expected to be immovable
 to be what they need.