"Be single minded and you are OCD and there is something wrong with you.A disorder.But think the opposite, and you are ADD. Eat too much and you are obese, eat too little and you are an anorexic. Puke in either case and you are either a bulimic or a hedonistic glutton. Read and be too much of a geek and a nerd, don't read and you aren't interesting enough. Go out and you are a narcissistic socialite with identity issues, or stay inside and be introverted with a Social Anxiety Disorder. Dress nicely and be a snob, dress down and be trashy. Speak your mind and be seen as overly opinionated, say nothing and be victimized. Be rich and you're too rich, don't be rich and be called poor. Be a nice guy and finish last, be an asshole and you're a dick.
I'm beginning to think that there is only ONE thing wrong with all of us. We are all suffering horribly from 'Syndrome Syndrome Disorder'.
There is only one cure for what you have. What you have is called being ALIVE, and being dead is the only pill. Don't take it too soon, though, or you will only cause another syndrome called 'Being Fucking Dead Syndrome'.
People, no one said it was ALL going to be fantastic being alive. There is pain.That is why we have nerve endings- to keep us AWAY from harmful things AND use our brains and fucking limbs to MOVE AWAY from that which causes pain as much as TOWARD that which is good and pleasurable. It isn't a syndrome. You don't need a pill or a label to excuse you not having it.What you NEED is a pill/syndrome/disorder/ therapy free REASON. That's just common fricking sense. Do you REALLY need a goddamn pill to enable you to do what even Planaria can do instinctively? The fucking Planaria are even smaller than the whole of the pill!!
You are supposed to cry. That's why you've got LACRIMAL DUCTS, but it doesn't take a pill or therapy to 'fix' you because someone else didn't evolve enough to use them. Talk to your idiotic therapists all you want but don't be surprised if he hands you another pill and makes another appointment. They ought to call them 'pointlessments' for all the good they seem to do most people anyway. Walk away from that which causes pointless and self created pain.
There is NOTHING wrong with you except that you feel as though you need to take a pill yourself for being too ridiculously self accusing to recognize that you have both a personal responsibility to act on your own best behalf at the same time that there is no possible way to ensure the efficacy of a pill you take to fix someone else's problem with themselves."
"It's perfectly normal to have a person give you a half a loaf of their bread if they so choose. That is an expression of their own concern for you. That's generosity. But each time you receive a half a loaf of bread from them, don't automatically assume they still have a half left for themselves in their own pocket. Sometimes all they had was a half a loaf of bread and felt you needed it all more than themselves. That's not sharing. That's sacrifice, and with it, should come a silent reverence and the unspoken awareness of your own importance to them. As weighty to your own soul as a boulder in your pocket, but nothing to take as lightly as a half a loaf of bread."
"Know the difference between being solitary and being lonely? One is selected by yourself as a choice, the other is imposed on you by force. If you feel time passed too quickly for your liking, that's solitude. If you feel as though time has stopped, and you along with it, that's alone."
"Right on the heels of my most favorite holiday is without a doubt the WORST profit driven idea since Hitler's 'Let's Unify Europe' idea. Black Friday is the day the rest of the world gets to watch in horror, Americans celebrating their obsessive perception of holiday gift giving and sincere compassion by being the biggest passel of greed driven, selfish assholes to everyone else in their path. If it's such a great deal on one day that people would be willing to push,shove, fight, trample, and in some cases even kill, to get that blessed savings, is it really worth it? Do you REALLY think that corporations are giving you these savings for one day because they're kind and generous? Instead, consider the more believable possibility that it's the percentage you are screwed out of for the OTHER 364 days that makes this one day as pointless as it is pandering.
Folks you JUST gave thanks for everything you have. YESTERDAY! And now you have to clot every single store with a bunch of crap you already have too much of yourself to give to someone else to have so much crap that they can afford to now buy YOU more crap to say thank you for...MORE CRAP!
Do me a favor. Spend just a minute, one single minute, to contemplate and understand the critical difference between a 'want' and a 'need'. Take the BIGGEST high dollar Holy Grail of Black Friday that you think you or someone else NEEDS and put it in your mind. Visualize it for EVERYTHING it will give you because you NEED it. Now hold your breath and slap a piece of duct tape over your mouth and nose while you look for it. See which one, air or the blessed acquisition gives out first. THAT'S the real need, and I can assure you that if it's so critical to someone's survival, they would have secured it for themselves long before they relied on you to get it for them on one stupid day at a discount, in which case you've now given them two of them. And is that a need at all now? Seems to me the reason we call it Black Friday is because it refers to the color of profit margins while putting you into the red, discount or not."
" It's very common for a house on Thanksgiving to be completely filled with everything a person could ever hope to want or need. Often times, it is filled with a whole slew of petty crap you don't want, too. Cigar smoking Uncle Charlie who keeps screaming "Nazis!" every time the door bell rings and his insistence that Aunt Claire holding a tray of Yam Cakes, is most definitely the biggest one. There are people you'd probably wish to set on fire as break bread with, and the odd perception that despite the fact that you have more people in your house than usual, you can't quite get over the feeling that you aren't as successful as you should be because you can't find chairs or space for all these people. Trust me, the last thing you want is to find permanent lodging space for them all. Take comfort in the fact that there isn't enough room today. It could be like that out of necessity EVERY day. But it isn't.
Giving thanks or saying the blessing, especially for a day CALLED 'Thanksgiving', seems to be a more difficult time for most, though. I'm not quite sure why. Maybe we should have called it "Shut Up And Eat Day". But it isn't. When it comes time to sit down together and say grace, a peculiar thing often happens. people shuffle their butts uncomfortably in their chairs and look to each other hoping that someone will come up with something good to say. Like The Donner Party sitting in a tight circle hoping to not be the one forced to ask "So..What's for lunch?". That's not an insult to our blessings. It isn't our fault that we are at this point of discomfort and it isn't proof we are selfish and ungrateful. Just unaccustomed to seeing it for what it really is. It is the greatest proof that we have so much we don't even know where to start to make the comparison to what we don't have because we have never been without. Before anything else, be thankful for that. Be thankful that it is nearly impossible to know something about what you know nothing about. Weird huh?
We live in a country where we have so much that it is difficult to imagine our lives without any of it, let alone even half, or even half of that. because that's where most people on the planet begin to give their thanks. Half of a half of a half of a half of what you are trying to see right in front of you. So when you see your family and friends wondering what to be thankful for, be thankful yourself that it is taking them so much time to figure it all out. It isn't every country that has the luxury of this. So instead of making you squirm as well, I'm going to try and tell you what I am thankful for.
Currently there are over 7 billion people on the face of the Earth. If you are lucky enough to be an American (and I do mean extremely LUCKY) you can count yourself as being in the top 20% of the world with respects to your standard of living with regards to basic survival needs. In the Third World, where three-quarters of humanity is already concentrated, a person misses being thrown into misery and deprivation by nothing more than sheer luck. Two billion people in the world subsist on just $2 a day or less. Just to put that into perspective, that's like spending everything you make on just your morning coffee. If you spent 250 dollars on your one Thanksgiving meal that is equivalent to spending one quarter of your years TOTAL income in a Third World country on a single meal here.
Three billion people have insufficient sanitation facilities, and yet we complain that we have to do our laundry and wash our dishes every day. Three cycles, three water temperatures, all of it clean water, and we still complain.
One and a half billion have no access to clean water at all and yet the water that we flush in our toilets is cleaner than they drink. Our pours by the hundreds of gallons each month while others can walk as much as five miles for one gallon.
Four billion people living on the Earth right now, do so on DIRT FLOORS, and yet we gripe that the vacuum cleaner needs a new belt or that we can't get our kids to take their shoes off before they run across the carpeted or heated, wall to wall, insulated floors. Worry that the electrical plug is too far away to get that one corner of the bathroom? Console yourself with the fact that another two thirds of the people with electricity have but one plug for the entire house.
The food that we put on our tables on Thanksgiving is a testament, not only of the hard work and perseverance of those who came before us, but to a prosperity that was handed to us and that is unheard of in the history of mankind. Where countries, even to this day, experience periodic starvation, how many of us can say that we have missed even a single meal that wasn't by our own choice to not eat? One quarter of the food we produce in this country is wasted by throwing it out because it doesnt "look good" or the expiration date is not optimum for sale, while I have seen people in other countries scrabble in the dirt for single grains of rice to be clutched in one dirty hand while they look for more just to survive. Think about it. A half of a single hand of rice. Be thankful. Ungodly thankful.
We sit in our living rooms, warm and safe right now, because others spent their past and present Thanksgivings leaning over the barrels of a rifles and in harm's way, cold in the mud, for you. Its suffering is manifested by having the ability to serve a meal to our children in the comfort of our home devoid of the sufferings to acquire or protect it. Do it happily and with joy in your heart while reminding them that soldiers and sailors, airmen and marines are now currently serving in operations in multiple countries overseas to continue it. There will come a time when those children will do the same and ensure that we are warm and protected when we are too old to do it for ourselves. But not today. Today they receive the benefits first.
Count your own personal blessings. Don't worry that Crazy Uncle Charlie wont and would rather stuff his oblivious face without a second thought. Don't waste time with derisive sneers and angry glares from others across the table. Count your own blessings and whether they recognize them or not, is none of your concern. Give your own personal thanks for the blessings you do have, rather than what you do not. We can do enough of that self damning resentment another day. Today, look at what is and what is good, not at what is not.
There are many things that we do not like about our country and many things we would like to change, but for today, if only for one day, forget all the petty squabbles and fights that come with living our lives. When you set your table, put out an empty serving bowl, and pass it around. Not to serve anything from it but to draw attention to the fact that every other plate is filled. Close one room to your house and open the window to the outside. Sit in it, alone and cold, with no jacket or coat or lights, and understand what cold and alone really feels like. It is horrid and wretched and the longer you do it the more thankful you will be yourself, while less tolerant of have others experience it.. Put a teaspoon of dry rice on the table (no water remember) and really LOOK at it. Be thankful. Forget income and race and gender,and inequality and injustice, and just be glad that you are where you are at the time rather than the thousands of other places and circumstances you could be in. There are more people in their graves already than there are alive now. Be thankful you are not. Pray, and be thankful of the blessings bestowed upon you, but don't forget that God does not merely drop the blessings to you alone while it didn't go to others. Others worked just as hard as you and received so much less than you for the same effort. Be thankful, but be humbled by that too. With just a bit of humility, bow your head. If not to God then to your fellow man, If not at any other time, know that right now, this very moment, you are happy and healthy, warm and safe, clean and dry, fed and free. Happy Thanksgiving!!"
"If the 'solutions' to your problems serve absolutely no useful purpose for yourself, and invariably cause you to rationalize even more of the ridiculous and absurd as fact in the future by making it, it's a good bet that your 'solution' was merely the product of a predictable reaction.Ask yourself who or what it was that caused that reaction and why it would be more useful to them or it,rather than you, to do it. Did it in any way make the situation better for you at all? Sheep are not herded to slaughter by bad choices. Just by predictable reactions after eliminating everything else. But at that point, who gives a good god damn about the opinions of butchered sheep?"
"Never bite the hand that feeds you. Conversely, never play into the hand that bites you."
"Demanding that a person be so removed from your own life that they require the use of binoculars to be a part of it as a mere inconsequential spectator is pretty arrogant, but to assume that you also have the inalienable right to scrutinize them through a microscope while they do, is deplorable. You can not define your own accomplishments as successful solely by forcing the acknowledgement of them from others. To do so, begets the further possibility that without the efforts of others, you have achieved nothing at all."
"Contrary to popular belief, freedom IS in fact, free. But it is given as a gift with sacrifice and loss and hardship and blood,.For that, it is indeed unconditionally priceless. Our freedoms are manifested in our own individual and unique presents by the actions of those in our collective pasts. That in turn, gives us the distinct and dubious honor and privilege to return to the future that which defined and enabled ourselves. Happy Veterans Day to every soldier who enabled me to gain so many more brothers and sisters in arms, but thank you to every American who exemplified themselves as the people worth defending, as well. The sacrifice of soldiers originates from the fact that you were worth every bit of it. Every boot, every bullet, every lonely mile marched, and every drop of blood is paid for. But freedom, is free. That's what makes it priceless.
Thank you to A co 2/16 INF, C troop 2/10 Air Cav, B troop 2/9 Air CAV(RECON), A co 4/501st AVN REGT, A co 1/25 AVN REGT, C co 2/25 AVN REGT, B troop 101 CAV, and HHC 2/108 INF."
" I keep seeing this commercial for a Britta water filter that tells us that as Americans we use enough plastic water bottles in a single year to circle the earth 7 times. I did some quick math and found that to be absolutely impossible. An eight inch long bottle × 300 million people × 365 days × even as much as 4 bottles a day per person is roughly once around the earth. Still way too much to ignore but I went to check the actual data anyway. I couldn't even do it intelligently. I found distances of once, three times,seven times, 56 times and a whopping 72 times around the earth. I'm all for checking the facts first but when EVERYTHING that needs to be checked is in a giant pile of internet BS, even trying to be empirically correct is next to impossible.
I found water bottle measurements from four inches (a Dixie cup?) to a gargantuan 22 inches. What is that, a beer bong? And who the hell is managing to intake this much water into their bodies without the need of a firehouse doubling as an enema?
Here's a great way to save the planet, eliminate all the plastic bottles altogether and forget having to rationalize with what I call 'arbitrary constants' depending on your insistence they be more correct than you.
Drink from your water taps in your home! Its tested all the time and it was as bad as the water bottle companies told you it was we'd all have died of rectal squirting dysentery and cholera long ago. You drank from a hose at home, happily swallowed pool water and dumped water into aluminum canteens (also filled from the tap) your whole childhood.
Here's an even more scary thought. Every water bottle costs more than a dollar. Multiply THAT with the same numbers and ask how it is we have SO many living people enough money to wrap around the earth that many times for a resource that pours from a regulated and tested tap anyway."
"Lean in on your shield if you must. Let the resisting press of adversity become the bed to which you apply weary muscle and bone.Pin it to the earth with the weight of your own exhaustion and fatigue. Shift your boots to gain first a firm footing and then inexorably slow purchase to advance. Dip your visor against blinding rain or curse the sun for the sting of sweat but never drop your sword. Let anger curl your knuckles to the hilt if you must but never drop your sword."
I remember. I remember where I was and how quickly everything I knew changed and how nothing would ever seem as safe as it once was. I remember putting on a combat helmet and frantically climbing into army ambulances to drive , nervous and angry, to New York City. Not Berlin, or Normandy, or Seoul, or Saipan. Here.
I remember trying to work with grim determination in and around a city in blind panic, trying cope with the confusion of family and friends elsewhere, all the while trying to wrap my own head around a pile of rubble and destruction larger than many full sized erect buildings. I remember.
But I also remember the faces of my friends and I remember that the reason they were there instead of with their families was that it was important to defend something bigger. I remember the loneliness of being so close yet so far from their own families but that it was more important to keep that home for them. All of them. All of US. Because 9-11 is not defined so much by what we have lost but by what we continue to refuse to invalidate in ourselves through a loss of hope or demoralization. 9-11 did not hurt us as much as it defined us. Do not look backwards and give undue credit to what some tried to take from us all. Instead, let it become the reason and the cause to want to do better. Because I do remember, but I remember 9-11 not as the day two buildings fell but when those who survived, stood up."
"I understand that it is a woman's prerogative to expect a man to have enough balls and backbone to step up to the plate when he believes she has gone too far, but before you assume he may too weak for your liking when he says nothing, perhaps you should also consider the possibility that he is also making his own expectations that a woman should know better than to push a person to a test simply because she can. perhaps his silence is his own way of seeing if she has it within her the grace and backbone to not do it in the first place? Two can play this game, but two shouldn't be forced to.
"So...You're waiting for something to change your tomorrow so that it is different from your today? But if you do as little with tomorrow as you did with your today to fix it, will it come as a surprise that your tomorrow looks no different than your yesterday does today?"
"This Memorial Day, remember that those who gave the ultimate sacrifice as soldiers and seamen, lie still in their graves, but they are not silent.They speak, if you care to listen and understand for what they truly lived, believed, and died for. Not to secure for themselves the right to be honored or remembered to a greater degree than any other person, but to remind the living to ask of themselves what they believed was worth their life to protect. Even if we are not quite sure yet, they gave their lives fully knowing and aware of what you had yet to know of yourself.The highest respect to fallen heroes is not the size of monuments we build to ensure we remember them,but our own capacity to rise to monumental heights of awareness and the ability to be enabled to do so with their ultimate sacrifice. Remember and honor fallen soldiers of the past, but do something in your own present,to define for everyone a better future. "
"Trying to get a person to understand what they don't care enough to feel for or know in the first place. is a bit like trying to explain what the color 9 smells like."
"You have the right to be angry and to be hurt. You have the right to feel foul and miserable, if you so choose. You have the right to take pointless blame and to absorb unnecessary guilt even if you don't deserve it. I do not agree with it, but it is your right to feel any way you want. It's your life. But with that right comes the responsibility of knowing exactly which people caused those feelings, and who did not. Because regardless of your right to be miserable, you do not have the right to visit it upon those who went out of their way to alleviate it in you, while using it as an opportunity for yourself to shovel what we already knew was misplaced in yourself to begin with."
"If I hear, one more time, "You aren't a true patriot" or "You aren't in the 'real' Army" or "what do you know of freedom?", I am going to become hostile.
My first family member to come to this country came here, on his own, in 1639 by way of Holland as a pastor. If you think it has more to do with who was here the longest in order to be more right, our family was here a whole 137 years before it was even The United States. And yes, he carried a rifle for it.
Our family has, within its ranks, the distinction of being a part of the very first organized militias in the colonies, 4 documented pilgrims and 8 Daughters of The American Revolution.We have those who fought in the French Indian wars, on both sides of the Civil War, and every major military war or conflict to include Pearl Harbor and The Battle of The Bulge. My own immediate family has sacrificed 37 years of military service to this country. My parents generation contributed 29 years. My grandparents gave 60 years of combined service. Added all together there is not a single year that this country has been defended that it has not had at least one of us holding a rifle for it. Not just as a soldier but as a citizen.
I do have the right to an opinion, and I do have the right to a difference of opinion. Are we or were we all magnificent soldiers? Of course not. But that's not what you asked of us. You asked for patriots, and patriots stand up whether they are going to become colonels or corpses.
I carry a rifle, and I carry an opinion. I have earned the right to disagree with you regardless of whether you want me to carry either one or not. Please don't assume that because you have a bigger weapon or a bigger mouth that you have the ability to tell me how it is that I am going to think and behave. If you do, then it is me who should be questioning exactly what type of 'America' you are describing if you want to simply make me do what you want."
" December 22 2012- Okay, so now that it hasn't happened, and we've all faced our own implied obliteration from prophesy, bravely, perhaps you'll let me put something back into the place where OUR definition of "The End Of The World' in no way fit within Mayan culture and belief. the Mayan definition of 'The End Of The World', is closer to what we would call the end of an age or an era. Where we look into the past and identify a point of reference based on an event, Mayans looked into the future and defined them with a celestial event before it occurs. It is a time in the future that is predesignated to actively move forward, not end. It's the time that all of the things and actions used, good or bad, to build the current 'world' are dismantled and a new 'world' begins. All grudges are forgotten, all debts ignored, all conflict absolved, and all plans for everyone given a new chance. If you are going to take the prophesy for everything you perceived it to be based on your own interpretation before it arrived, the least you can do is give it its fair due credit for its own definition afterward. Go out and start a 'New World', but don't do it with the same nasty thoughts and actions you used to justify the fear you had for the end of the last one. You can't build a new hearth in a home with the cracked and broken bricks of the last failed hearth. Get up, go out, and continue with your lives, but do so with the understanding that if you gave so much credit to the validity of your collective demise, that perhaps we should expend just as much effort to do things differently to make it better. Today is the start of your second (well, fifth) new world. Don't cock it up."
November 2012 "Regardless of how you voted yesterday, or the outcome of our combined voices, take a moment to give thanks for the right and ability to do so, unimpeded. Whether your party won or not, you have exercised an individual act that in many times and places in the past, came at the point of a gun - when leaders wished to retain the appearance of a democracy while assuring your opinion was wholly irrelevant, or rejected that democracy altogether by ensuring YOU were irrelevant. Our brief time and energy expended to temporarily divide ourselves by our ideologies is over. Now is the time to take responsibility for the other half of our democracy that gives credence to the process of voting in the first place. To come back together and give a leader the opportunity to do what he claims without the additional requirement of wasting energy on internal dissent. The individuals have chosen its course. Now grab the oars of the collective ship and do everything you can to ensure that,as an American, we are still a whole body."
"I am watching so many of my friends deal with what can only be described as 'the very worst time of their life'. Some for their jobs, some for their children, some for their marriages and relationships, their health and self esteem or personal identity, and then even some for their very lives. It's harrowing, but if you know who you or who I am referring to, then let me tell you this. You are all SUCCEEDING by continuing. For as bad as it is, I am watching these people who honestly believe they are coming apart at the seams, instead, exemplifying themselves for everything we know them to be. What they said and believed in before they came to where they are now will be what brings them back stronger.That doesn't replace the need for our empathy toward the situation, but it does allow them to rely on our faith and hope in them that they can pull from when it isn't in themselves to see right now. They are all succeeding, but personal lives are not part of a race or a competition with another. I am not more impressed with those at the end of their lives than I am for those who are still living theirs. It's hard, it's tough, it's incredibly unfair, and it is, more often than not, more than it looks like we can handle alone. Welcome to life. Be proud and happy you are living it because we are proud and happy to see you living it for everything it is."
"A marriage relationship is symbiotic. It is not parasitic and then excused away simply because it is still a relationship.Divorce is obviously not God's will, but He NEVER intended a marriage to be defined solely by the written contract alone without also expecting both be living up to the unspoken and assumed needs of the other."
" September 29 2012 Before I go home, and leave behind the very worst parts of myself while returning to the better ones, I'd like to stop for just a second to tell my friends that you are all rather remarkably unique to me in and of yourselves. It often goes unrecognized that you are all not merely a conglomeration of unrelated people in a Facebook list of friends. You each share something that is absolutely critical to me and what I value. I wrote something rather blunt and honest the other day and something very unexpected happened. Instead of having my newsfeed fill with a bunch of crap, I got personal messages asking if it was perhaps intended for them. To be quite honest, no. It had absolutely nothing to do with any of my friends because my friends are incapable of it. But how nice to find in a very abstract way that my friends are both introspective enough to have looked into themselves, and impressive enough in their own right to be humble enough to venture the possibility that perhaps they had overlooked something and felt the deeper need to rectify it if they had to. That's says a great deal about you all. Even if what I said had nothing to do with you. You are my friends for the things that you give of yourselves that I define as being above others, but from what I receive without ever asking. It is not because of what I get at all. You express what it is to be brave, thoughtful, determined, resilient, resourceful, creative, brilliant,loving, and most of all, human.They are all qualities I expect to see in the very best of human beings, but are exemplified by those I call 'my friends'. Worry far less about what I say on Facebook. The very fact that you can read it at all should be all the proof you need enough that I know you to be above it already."
"Sometimes people ask us why it is that we do what we choose to do and go where we are asked. "Why would anyone willingly spend their lives behind concrete walls covered in concertina wire and not be free to go where you want?" they ask. We have a very simple answer. "Because we don't want our families and friends to live their lives where walls are something normal for civilians to see." Thanks to all the Brothers and Sisters of Blood and Iron for making the 'Middle of Nowhere' on the other side of the earth, be a place we didn't have experience alone."
"Basic human kindness is not a science as much as it is an expression of compassionate creativity. Those who produce it, are not so much intelligent as they are masters of a lost art. Kindness, and a desire to instill happiness, rather than easy fear, is not something you are born with. It requires much more in the way of effort than it does to be vicious and cruel. Saying that people are "born" good or bad does two things. It robs the compassionate of the time and energy they expended to make a better world for others, while it condones the laziness of savage cruelty as a matter of mere genetics with zero accountability."
"It's okay to kill insects and spiders because they have no nerve endings, and it's okay to kill any other animal because they have nerve endings but no emotions or feelings to understand the nervous impulses of pain or death" SERIOUSLY?? Is this is all it takes to rationalize death and cruelty? Who thinks this CRAP up? No. fuck that, who is stupid enough to BELIEVE it? I know insects, and spiders, and dogs who would listen to that wad of drivel and disagree. So why do I have to hear it from the only species on the planet that should be smart enough to know better by default and STILL be the one species I can understand? Jesus? If you are coming.....Hurry the fuck UP!!
"I'm tired. Tired of everyone needing to be young or old or black or white or male or female or gay or straight or bisexual or rich or poor or in or out or Republican or Democrat or Independent or Catholic or Jewish or Atheist or Agnostic or Pagan or foreign or native-born or East coast or West coast or Southern or Northern or...or...or. What we REALLY need,all of us, is to stop drawing lines in the dirt and believing them to be powerful enough to stop us from being human."
I'm just so tired. SO fucking TIRED of expending pointless energy to convince I care about people for being who they are already while they expend more of their own energy trying to convince themselves to be appreciative of others who make them into something else they never wanted to be."
"Need is no weakness. If anything, need allows the greatest affirmation of both strength and love toward others and of the human condition in general to be manifested. It forms the pediment of generosity when it is given unreservedly , and it fosters the virtues of gratitude and humility when it is received. It allows a person to recognize their own accountability as critical to the survivability of others, and instills our responsibility to reciprocate in the event we might not be able do so at any time in the future."
"You have the right to free speech, but also the responsibility of discretion and tact. You have the right to assemble,provided that your intentions do not to collude to segregate and isolate others.You have the right to bear arms,as soon as you understand the finality of actions with arms are a matter of life and death. You have the right to your religion,provided it does not avow the intolerance of conflicting ideology. Our freedoms are ours because they are ours. Not yours."
While I'm on the soap box. I don't give a SHIT about someone saying 'Im sorry' without them knowing what that really means. I am SORRY assumes that you have both the ability to fully comprehend the actions you made in error, AND know enough about emotions and feelings in general to care about which ones you caused. Without it, "I am sorry" is just the cheap shit way to rely on the good nature of another soul to forgive you for something you dont want to admit to."
"People look for a lot of things. You look for a job. You look for your other white sock. You look for your car keys, but you don't go looking for love. That's the trick. Love, finds you."
"On the days that you can not tolerate it any more, crumple into the dirt. Just do it. No one will stop you. Grieve and weep if you must. Rail at the unfairness of it all and sit in a disheveled misery at your plight. Roll in the ashes of your supposed failures imposed by others if that helps.. Wring your hands, curse the gods, call Luck and Fate the whores of complicity if you so choose.. but then STAND back UP!"
"Its not a question of individual survival to justify sacrificing something you need in order to merely exist. Its a matter of knowing what needs to survive, even at the risk of your own death, to perpetuate for others, what is meant by being alive."
"Know the difference between vengeance and vindication. Know the difference between judgement and justice. Know the difference between caution and cowardice, and know the difference between fear and failure. They are not synonyms for each other simply due to the convenient perceptions of evil to get you to believe it"
"Trust is an all together strange virtue. Not because of what it means, but because so many people fail to realize that it is something inside of YOURSELF that has to be given and NOT something to be shown or proven by someone else in order to have the benefits and rewards trust provide. You will gain NOTHING by demanding that trust be proven before it is returned by you. That is the very antithesis of the nature of trust to begin with."
Monday, December 9, 2013
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