Saturday, August 1, 2009


We have lost our voice as a species.....and in doing so we lost our momentum to progress....and then we lost our way. The most highly developed organism on the planet, and we haven't got it within us to even BEGIN to grasp the qualities that separate us from the other animals. Hell, it's a PRIMARY religious tenet that gives you "dominion" over the lesser animals....and you don't even know what the fuck it is. Unbelievable. No, it isn't unbelievable. It's tragic.
I asked myself a very simple question the other day. What is Humanity? And I'm not talking about that bullshit Wikipedia definition , because all that tells you is the agreed upon definition of the WORD. I wanted the parts that actually DEFINE or quantify what it actually is to be humane rather than simply human. And you know what? It isn't there.
Try it for yourself. Go to Google or Wikipedia or any search engine of your choice. Expend all of that three and a half pound universe within the vault of your skull and tell me what you find. You'd think that a computer, designed by, and for, humans, and the electrical web of binary bliss with which we cull any and all manner of knowledge, should have a pretty good answer of the things that define the human experience. What you will get, however, is the same definition... over and over and over. You can have it translated into ANY language on the planet, you can use whatever font suits you, you can have it signed to you in American Sign Language on a video,and you can even have it spoken to you with the automated voice like some apathetic fembot, but you can't find what it's made of. As a matter of fact, its easier to get the ingredients in a TWINKIE than it is to find what humanity is. And yes, yes, I am sure that there is going to be that one person who tells me that the definition of humanity is different depending on who you're talking to. But that sounds a bit...odd,doesn't it? That's much like a teapot telling you it has tea within simply because it's a teapot on the outside.
I am thinking that this should come as no surprise to me, or anyone else within the choir to which I preach, but it is not exactly necessary to ask As I see it now, we have divided our human species into two distinct sub groups. There are those who strive to retain within them the qualities that distinguish them from the animals. I like to think of these people as the Human Humans. and there are those who could care less and prefer to be more like animals themselves as long as they can profit from it in one way or the other. Choose your poison. The quaffs are endless. In any case,Those who do it are the Sub Humans. Sadly, the Sub Humans make up about 85 percent of the world as I see it.
As if it isn't bad enough that the Sub Humans have now taken over as the dominant group, the Human Humans are further divided into those who revere the qualities of humanity to such a degree that they willfully separate themselves from individuals and the behaviors that do not support an existence based on something more than survival, and those who believe in the qualities as needed abstracts within the world but are no longer willing to expunge it from the world as they would wish it. They simply endure like human chattel for a predatory world that feasts on them at will.
I am not so sure when all of this started. I do remember, however, that when I was young, adults seemed to take an almost gleeful pleasure in telling me to 'grow up' before I tried to state views on anything more complex than whether I remembered my lunch and homework. It was like our height was directly tied to our ability to think, and that to do so was simply out of the question until a full stature was attained. So be it. Far be it from me, a mouthy midget, to suppose I had anything more to offer to a world much larger than myself. So I waited, and when I finally got to stand like a man, and think like a man, I opened my mouth...and was promptly told to shut up.
I must have failed to realize that the argument had little to do with my stature at all. The reason they didn't want me to speak was that they had already clamped their own eyes and ears shut, and to be reminded of the discontinuity between what had been TAUGHT as virtuous and what was DONE to sell it for cheap, was a little too much to swallow from someone so small. Now that I was older, however, and the avoidant stature tactic moot, the primary effort would now be on me to remain silent as a matter of social duty.
This rides along perfectly until all the bullshit games suddenly descend on top of the people who thought they were doing this for the benefit of themselves and, instead, come to realize that silence only benefits those who can make you do what they want just so long as you don't bring to light the awareness of their predation.
This is that one defining moment in a person's life where they make a choice. The choice to waddle along like docent sheep shepherded like mutton on the hoof and eaten at his leisure, or to break from the flock and hope to GOD that what you say has some meaning and worth to any that will listen. That what you say is noble in its virtue, true in its intent, and worth the price of being slaughtered screaming and bleating in the field just so long as it doesn't mean you have to be led to the chopping block just the same without speaking your mind.
So off I ran. I broke to the edge of the flock, and then to the wandering fringe that still trotted along the edges but was never brave enough to veer from the prescribed direction. I jumped once, tilted my face up, and stood up on my hind legs to be heard for the things I had to say with the hope that all would hear it. I may not have expected every one of them to listen, but what I found shocked me to the point of absolute numbness. Because even with age, and stature, and thought, and even a willing intention to speak out, there is one vital component that is necessary in order for all the others to come to fruition. And that is that someone has to be willing to listen. And I will be damned if I have found a single person who wasn't more willing to clap their hands over their ears and pretend rather than try it. It's like an entire generation fell sucker to the whole asinine game simply as a matter of course.
And maybe that's where we have all failed. That somewhere along the line, people came to accept the fact regardless of the fact that they couldn't think and act against their tender,that as long as the shepherd fed them and tended them it really didn't matter that they would all be led to slaughter. And every sheep has his own sell out point. That one thing that allows the herder to simply drive them along as a matter of duty receiving nothing more than the basics without ever knowing what it was they sold in order to receive something they could have gained for themselves.
I know I've been on this sheep kick for awhile, and referred to the users of virtue as shepherds, but they aren't. They are actually closer to zombies in some tacky Tom Sivini film. It's like a small number of us are the last REAL humans standing in a room of shuffling zombies. That the rest, the UN humans are winning, and that as soon as it is recognized that a brain, pink, and cognizant, and nutritionally yummy with its own ideas of self worth and a capacity to offer it to others is in close proximity to the ones who don't give a shit, the masses will turn on us and, through sheer numbers, descend on us to chew out that which makes us different. They won't attack it long enough to kill it, but long enough to have it not make a damn bit of difference in the long run. Just enough to destroy it so the rest can shamble along unfettered in miserable, albeit unified, company. To quite blunt and honest, the whole thing just makes me want to puke.
So that's it. The end of humanity simply because we found something more usable. And that is, apparently, to revert back to a bunch of animals. To think and act for our own needs regardless of the benefits we could gain from believing in abstracts. We have become a world of materialistic scavengers. Sure we have SUV's and suck latte's from Starbucks, but carrion nonetheless. The only difference between us and rats or seagulls is that when a rat or a seagull picks out the spine of another, at least they can do it with the common decency of never fooling the other of their true intentions.
Am I MORE human because I feel i have a better sense of it? Or am I lying to myself and should objectively admit that the majority of human behave differently from me and that the definition should fit the majority. Seems odd to me that the ones who could care less will dictate the definition, while the ones who do not, automatically exclude themselves from it by default. For what its worth, I think I'd like to put SOMETHING out there into the Internet about what humanity is to me. It may not be much, but it is certainly far better than looking across a web of information and having it offer up knowledge like dessicated silk spun flies.
I think one of the main things that differentiates a human from an animal is a sense of compassion. Because compassion really doesn't have any survival goal to it at all. It's one of those qualities that offers consolation to something wounded or hurt with no realistic benefit to the person who gives it. I'm not saying that from a humane standpoint, but from a survivalist one. Salmon don't really give a lick that the fish they've been swimming next to for the last five thousand miles suddenly leaps onto the rocks or was swiped from the water by a bear. As long as it gets to screw before it dies, all is good.
I need to sit down and have a cup of coffee. I'll write more on what humanity is a little later on. So far, I think it is going to have to do a great deal with the concept of altruism with regards to others. And while self sacrifice is a noble thing, I think it is being abused and manipulated by the more animalistic type of our species. It has become a tool of the vicious rather than as a virtue of the humane by allowing worthy people to sacrifice of themselves with little or no intention of repaying it in like or in kind. Simple dutiful obedience to a glutton. And the saddest part of this is that when a martyr isn't seen for their sacrifice, there is no difference between the martyr with a cross, and a corpse nailed to a tree.

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