"Being respectful and admiring something or someone that instills sheer terror and incapacitation as the norm, is as asinine and unrewarding as believing in the usefulness of standing blindfolded in traffic, enjoying the benefits of crystal meth, or playing Russian roulette with a dueling pistol."
"When you start statements with the words 'I don't want to be mean but...' you are assuming that you have the right to be as aggressively rude and judgmental as the sentence sounds without giving us the ability to be offended by the idiotic jackass who didn't know better than to keep their mouth shut in the first place."
"If your goal is to ensure that you're seen by others as persevering, at least be attempting something more meaningful than doing a whole lot of nothing and expecting praise for it. "
"One of the worst things a person can do to a child is to accept from them the phrase 'I don't know' as the easy answer for ignoring the consequences of the far more damning phrase 'I refuse to think about it' "
"I am far more respectful of a person who, regardless of the overwhelming consequences,transcends fear with courage and attains the right to be called brave, than to attribute false courage to a person of so little conscience an apathy as to be unaware of the consequences of the task and be respected as courageous by default."
"You can never understand how high up you really are if you've never been to the places or seen the things that show how far down you can actually be if it weren't for those who gave you the ability to be strong enough to rise above it in the first place."
"Some people simply hate because that's all there ever was of them..But there are worse. Like bleach flavored Snapple, there are those who can take "The best stuff on earth" and, through maligned alchemy, manufacture a drink they themselves refuse to drink, but are are all too accustomed to forcing anyone else to swallow what they made."
"Making a choice between two things by forcing yourself to quantify only one is much like choosing the best pet by spending all your time with one and ignoring the other. Like an angry, snapping dog on a short leash, or a warm puppy in a closed box. After a while...both of them just plain stink. One you made that way. The other.. you let be that way"
"Someone told me that they would work on "it" until the day they died. I didn't have the heart to tell them that for a person that wouldn't treat them any different whether they were alive or dead, would it come as any surprise that they looked and were treated like "the walking dead" already? Sometimes, death is only the beginning"
"A virtue is an abstract quality proven by a concrete act; an intuition of a reality. It is far more valid than a supposed concrete fact attributed to an abstract act; a distortion of reality"
" 'Practice what you preach' fails the very instant that we choose to, instead, believe we can ever profit from what we pretend."
"10 steps to avoiding stress:
Stand up. Look around you. Decide what you like and do not. Find the cause of both. Ignore your fear. State your point. Be ready to do something to defend it. Expect pain. Fight. And don't back down."
"The only thing worse than an honest pessimist at your dinner party is an deluded optimist in a prison who happily eats dirt and scoffs at your refusal to embrace his denial at the expense of the reality."
"Know the difference between a porcupine and a pin cushion? Both have pins and needles from all directions. The only difference is that one is expected to receive the sharp points without complaint, while the other is respected for it because of the opposite. Which one are you?"
"Lightning is the illumination on the footpath between a thought and a memory. Thunder is the resounding shock wave of proof that a soul returns and results in the imprinting of experience to lead our future steps."
"God will show you the way if you let Him, and God will put the right people and the right things directly on the path for you to employ when you need them...and if you let Him. He will guide your steps if you let Him. But He will not move your feet. It is not the way of God to be used as the excuse for what you will not do with the gift of free will. It is up to you to make decisions. It is up to you to make the choice."
"What you choose to see is not the measure of all things. It is only all that you allow yourself to see that you care to measure. For those who live by the mantra "looks can be deceiving" you would think this underlying worth would be self evident to those who strive so hard to maintain it. Sadly, it is not."
"Skewing your own perception of a situation, while looking down your nose at those whose moralities and ethics will not allow them to act as you, does not give any more validity to you than should be afforded to a politician who taxes a pig farmer to his knees to raise funding for bacon only the elite can afford to buy."
"If love is a battlefield, then the worst is to exist in a protracted version of trench warfare;defined and seen by others as brave soldiers while they themselves, huddle in the mud on the brink of starvation,yearning to breathe, anxious and paralyzed, awaiting exhaustion to overtake them the instant before a canister of chlorine creeps over the top of hope and chokes them to death while they sleep ."
"Remember the Pythagorean theorem? Seems it works for a great deal of Nature. Relationships, too.A man, raised to the power and worth of himself, and then added to a woman who is also raised the power and worth of herself, results in a union that is again raised to the power of the sum total of both. A squared + B squared = C squared. See how simple this is?"
"The ravages of war and invasion,with all of its death and destruction, is an unfortunate and unavoidable product of what it is to be human. .But a natural disaster, even greater in its ability to destroy all that it touches, allows us the opportunity to rise above our usual combative nature and embrace with humanity, the gift of compassion even Nature can not claim to hold sway over."
"Most of us know we were loved by our parents as children whether we came in first or last, or never even tried at all. Some do not know love like that at all, though. Instead, what they know from their parents as love is a distorted 'reward based system of performance' so severe and pervasive that they couldn't help but look to everything they were expected to achieve at higher standards and falsely assume their own sense of what it is to be loved shouldn't have been included in that definition. Even their concept of love. We inherently knew what unconditional love was and meant and learned later the concept of competition. Others knew unconditional competition and later learned love. The sad part of this is that in both cases, love is something we all need, but without anything to fall back on, everything becomes a contest. Even love. Competition and love is still apples and oranges, it's true, but when you can't tell one from the other,what's the difference? Some people can't tell the difference between love and competition any more than they could a basketball from a redwood tree, but that doesn't stop them from thinking they look fantastic dribbling from half court to slam dunk the trunk of a tree.
Somewhere along the way, we all fall in love. Then again, maybe not. Maybe some fall into love and others fall into a contrived and distorted belief that they can expect others to perform love for them in a manner conducive to their upbringing. Like a game or a contest. Every day is an uphill battle. They are either constantly defining their own efforts to be loved if they are on the supposedly "losing side" and continually raising the bar of expectation ever higher to always ensure more and more. Do it right, and we raise the bar. Do it wrong, and you lose. It isn't the 'game' that is ever seen as unfair. Just the position from which the most leverage can be applied to get what it is that is wanted."
"My life can not be defined by nouns. I am not a person, a place,a thing or an idea. I am, a verb. I live and breathe and think, therefore I am. I embody what I do, and to define me you must be able to cast off the who's and what's and where's you are so accustomed to attaching to things and ideas, and see the fluid graceful movement of a 'why'"
"There is a deeper distinction between worthless and priceless. A penniless person can afford a priceless thing, while the richest of people can never earn enough to purchase the assurance for themselves that what they bought for top dollar wouldn't be viewed as worthless by others anyway."
"Silence is the greatest weapon of the ones who demand it, and the greatest weakness of the ones who believe it will serve their best interests to remain that way indefinitely""A person should never allow themselves to be defined by how much another earns. It should be defined with how much they believe you are worth.The worst insult is to have a price put on your head by a loved to have you feel as though they were the lowest bidder by default. The greatest compliment is to have a person tell you they will never be able to show you how much you are worth or loved, and try regardless."
"To unfairly use a person for personal gain without their knowledge is exploitation. To do it with their knowledge, but having them incapable of any alternative, is extortion. The worst is to condone and reinforce the continuance of abhorrent behavior by agreeing with the practice. That is prostitution."
"There is a difference between a reason and an excuse. Reasons are unavoidable. Excuses,are merely a justification for giving up or giving in.You didn't explore all your options,ignored or denied solutions,didn't
plan ahead,refused sacrifices,denied the need for help, or flatly rejected help offered.Excuses are wolf's clothing for a reason that relies on the forgiveness of others to be dishonest with both others and yourself."
"Power is not authority, loneliness is not solitude, money is not wealth, trust is not faith, privacy is not secrecy, patience is not perseverance, and caution is not cowardice."
"Tantrums of anger radiate from a body in every direction all at once. That's why most people don't seem to care about the enormity of an event from an individual expressing it. How could they if all they can ever feel is a fractional ray of its totality? Rage is worse, though. Rage is focused anger of the mind. God help those who find fury."
"Settling for something less than desirable, is a bit like waiting for the taste of a custard to improve over time by believing its inability to please your palate is due to its consistency. But an ever condensing mass isn't a quality of taste. It's a quality of texture. Nothing good comes from a bad taste in your mouth quite like expecting the flavor of warm cream to come from the effort of chewing a car tire"
"Remember when you learned to color and they said "Stay within the lines"?Those who did were patted on the back. Those who didn't
were reminded of the lines once again, and, by default,arbitrary limitations. Maybe those who color outside the lines learned that it doesn't stop with paper and crayons. We make lines in the dirt,lines
of color, of sex,of nationalities,religions,of you, and of me. Ignore the lines, and color your world."
"Anyone who says 'What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger' has never realized that any person who buys them a drink could just as easily be served three fingers of bleach, neat, and still make them feel like they needed to say 'thank you' for it."
"Do not demand generosity. Generosity is a gift of one's self offered with free will. When it is ordered and forced by others as a requirement for acceptance and a proof of worth, it wholly robs from them that virtue, and replaces within them undue obligation to submit to an attitude of greedy entitlement for their sacrifice. It's as though you would rather be seen as stealing what could be taken rather than being thankful for what one would give."
"Making ultimate and final decisions about events that have yet to occur, in an effort to prevent possible consequences that can not be foreseen, denies possible positive outcomes by making the result of the decision proof that it shouldn't even be tried. It is the epitome of stagnation and the hallmark of what it means to be afraid. You can not ensure success or failure of anything that has yet to occur"
"It is no strength of mine to be seen as accomplished for behaviors and attitudes that required secrecy to gain them. I live my life open and transparent to others. My strength is in keeping secrets. not making the rationalizations to have to have them"
"I will not bow to those who make of themselves a god on this earth.What is a god but one who demands I kneel before him with nothing but blind faith? ;that what It claims is true,is, without the need of proof? I have spent my life taking a willing knee of allegiance for a goal, only to discover that it was seen as a form of submission of myself to their will. Faith, but for God, be damned. All others,I trust not a whit without payment in advance."
"I am indeed, a very forgiving person. But I am not prone to accepting the feeble excuse that an overdeveloped capacity to forgive, condones a further irresponsibility for future indiscretions, in perpetuity."
"Don't bite the hand that feeds you. Conversely, Don't feed a hand, that bites you."
"Those who achieve enlightenment are said to become Buddhas. But to believe you have achieved all there is to know, belies an inherent contradiction in those who believe they have attained it. They may know it all but can not be a teacher until someone else learns from them. The path to a Buddha is started by the self. It is completed when others begin to find their own enlightenment in you."
We are ingrained by society to believe that we should be impressed with what people will do to be a success,regardless of who fell beneath the wheels.Humanity could do better though,to be aware of,and give credence to,those who could have done the very same,and would not. But therein lies the crux. Society also believes that you can't prove a positive with a negative."
"I am neither an atheist nor an agnostic.I believe in God, but I also believe that we prove the existence and validity of our god through our works. Not His. It is very easy to exist as lesser beings in the radiance of a gods light and then make the darkness our shadows cast behind us become the excuse for why we do not supply any light of our own. Faith without works is dead. Prove your god."
"A woman asked the man she loved if he could ever leave her. The man replied instantly without batting an eyelash, "Baby, I could leave you in a heartbeat". The woman was shocked at the answer she was given. "Are you serious?" she asked angrily. He calmly replied, "Yes I can. But it's up to me to choose which one. I choose my very last"
"Some people are quickly offended by speaking to their dates or spouses under any circumstance.Even then,it's under obvious duress.To me, the most adamant ones feel that polite consideration and decency to others should be a commodity; to be bought and sold, solely by them, depending on what they want or demand.No wonder they're pissed off. Who could stand watching a person give for free out of compassion and human decency what they extol as payment from others for what they demand?"
Take the things that are important to you and make room for them in your life. Compartmentalize it as a place in real time and space, ensuring that those around you understand the worth of it TO YOU, regardless of whether they know what it is or agree with it. When it comes time for you to rely on it,it can be rationalized by others as critical to you rather than pondering how your persistent need to purchase cat food became so necessary."
"There are those who give by their nature, and those who,as part of theirs,take. The trick is not to find out which you are. That will be determined by others. The trick is to ensure that whichever you have condoned,you associate with your own kind. Let those who take, at least profit from those who agree to the same treatment, and let those who give at least profit from what it means to share."
"The difference between family and friends is arbitrary.It's a circle drawn in the dirt by those who would assume a smaller number on the inside be more deserving than those who are not.If based solely on the presence of the delineations,rather than ideals,why not retain those ideals,and simply remove the line altogether?Altruism is defined when it is extended outward to all,not held inwardly as a genetic ransom from a few."
It's easy to be seen as a rebel when you defy things that take no effort on your part other than being a terminal asshole.To me,it sounds like the behavior more befitting common sheep.If you're going to be a rebel,take on something incredibly daunting for the right reasons.Leave simple discord for thugs and pussies. Become a revolutionary. Those at least can be admired for a causes a countenance of grim determination, rather than a default countenance of indifference. Most good causes come with bitter rewards than can be had by smug hubris."
"There almost no difference between stubbornness and stupidity. Neither one accomplishes anything akin to progress. The only difference is that stupidity can at least be quantified by what they attempted and failed at, whereas stubbornness assumes we should accredit a higher degree of intelligence to them by default, while accomplishing the same amount of nothing in perpetuity, with even less effort."
"When you ignore a person's generosity by making what they give a demand quantified by yourself, you do two distinct things. You put a price tag on everything they do that is far less than what it is worth, and you prove that you are too poor to afford, at any price, what they were willing to give you for free. No wonder it isn't a good deal. We've been appealing to the lowest bidder."
"People I know understand WHO tells them what to do,WHAT they expect of them,WHERE they will be while they do it,WHEN they will be finished to be on to the next,and HOW they are demanded to do it.But ask these same people WHY they are doing it,and there is an immediate disconnect.Are they solely responsible for answering to four of these without question,yet wholly unqualified of justifying the last for themselves?"
"Employee loyalty is a hallmark of a dedicated work ethic. It's what ensures that what is being accomplished has passion as well as a profit. Anyone who has ever read Animal Farm, however, would be wise to take take note of Boxer, the horse, who failed to realize that employee loyalty means about as much as the glue used to affix the envelope to the dismissal notice when the inverse is required."
"A trophy wife is like a taxidermy animal.Hunted and cut down in its prime, stitched shut,crammed with manure,placed on a pedestal,then to a perch, then to a mantle.It is displayed as a prize for what was taken by force.Not given by choice.She's a desiccated corpse representing supposed 'living' proof of their rightful dominion over another.Those proofs Predation,deception, death, public exhibition, immobility, inaccessibility, and putrefying subservience."
"People become so unhappy and confused as adults. Perhaps it is due to the fact that we look to children to define what we believed was good and fair, but don't trust them enough to value the truth to it. We then look to the elderly to see what they learned and the consequences of unavoidable regret, but feel it doesn't matter because we are not there yet. The unhappy and stagnating present could learn from both."
"I do not want someone to give me wings. You may drag me where I do not wish to go. I wish you to be my other wing I do not want to be anchored because you may tether me to an immovable and uncaring stone. I want you to make a bond. I do not need a hand up. That's weakness.I do not need a hand out. That's charity. I only need a hand. A plain open hand."
"It's not a persons right to decide how they feel about the ever deepening bumps in the road as typical or normal. But it is our human right to refuse the increasingly heavier bumps to our own heads that keep us from realizing that some people never knew the difference between 'walking a road' with someone and 'walking all over them' in the first place. Keep it up,and those who treat others with scorn or contempt will sooner or later find unyielding emotional pavement where they thought they would have ever-winding passivity and tolerance."
"No one in the world makes enough money to pay for something that was done out of generosity. In most cases, gestures of generosity are accomplished as a way of expressing the feeling that they were returning to you in the first place. Demanding you compensate them for their efforts implies that you retain the right to quantify the worth by your standards, not by what they felt it was worth to give."
"A tree can wither.Starved of light and water it will shrink and produce sour fruit, if any at all. Feed it, water it, set it into the light, and it will grow if done in time. But all the water on earth,nor the sunlight of a thousand days, will save a tree that died even as early as yesterday. A tree tended too late,and people too,is like making a grand show of what they intended to use them for in the first place. Firewood."
"If someone gives you an inch, don't make it a mile with your own justifications. The roads that led to Rome,as much as Hell is now, is paved with well-intentioned people,swinging from gallows not of their own making,and wondering how they earned the fool's distinction of being choked to death on the mere inch of rope they gave to another person they believed needed it,but who had a mile of their own, already to loop around their necks, is inconceivable."
"If you need time alone but tell others you are going to the store to buy cat food,you will be forced to devalue your alone time down to the price of a bag of cat food the instant a more pressing need arises from those you told it to.If you can't afford the truth,at least insure your justifications to others are matched in importance to what they are told."
"Take the things that are important to you and make room for them in your life. Compartmentalize it if need be as a place in real time and space and ensure that those around you understand the worth it TO YOU regardless of whether they know what it is. When it comes time for you to need it, it can be rationalized by others for what it is worth, rather than having to feel you need to explain it all to be justified."
“To regret one's own experiences is to arrest one's own development. To deny one's own experiences is to put a lie into the lips of one's life. It is no less than a denial of the soul.” ~ Oscar Wilde
"Love is like a child with a Sparkler. Its shiny,happy and bright and is what it is. But we are told that in order for love to be good or
worthy or right it has to be complicated and confusing. We make it
rocket science so convoluted that no one can make sense of even the most basic principles and wind up blowing ourselves to bits on shoddy launch pads while we point at the moon in discontent. Its easier than that. "Take the sparkler,Kiddo. Shut the fuck up. Point it to the moon...and find happy"
"Relationships are not possible without sacrifice and forgiveness, but only in so far as admissions of wrongdoing were admitted to in themselves, the injury they caused recognized, an apology made to those it effected, and then an unasked personal atonement. Without it,you are simply giving proof that you are unworthy of the empathy you deserve at any price by demanding you sell yourself cheap for the pathetic apathy they offer as a gift."
"My mind rebels at stagnation. Give me problems, give
me work, give me the most abstruse cryptogram, or the most intricate analysis, and I am in my own proper atmosphere. But I abhor the dull routine of existence. I crave for mental exaltation"....Arthur Conan Doyle
"You will either be taught what it means to love unconditionally, or you will not. You will either offer that kind of love to another, or you will not. Those you offer it to will either accept it, or they will not. If they accept it they will either value that love enough to stay and return it, or they will not and they will leave. It is that simple. You give love. Everything else of love is not up to you"
"People put too much stock in dreams.Dreams are the fetal kicks and nudges,the beginnings of fully developed realities waiting to mature.Living in your dreams is much like a person who loves the idea of being pregnant,but is too short sighted to define it by anything else short of dropping it off at an orphanage to start over with the only piece of the process they ever gave any credence to in the first place."
"Desperation makes us do desperate things. Delusion makes us do nothing." ~Ted Spiker
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"... Edmund Burke
"Every day I look for something to define my day. And on the day I believed I could not take so much as another spoonful, I found this quote. "One man scorned and covered with scars still strove
with his last ounce of courage to reach the unreachable stars; and the world was better for this." -Don Quixote.
"Sometimes a person can spend a lifetime trying to explain the gravity of a feeling without finding the words. And then one simple typographical error speaks the contents of a library."We turn real love into a rock going through a glass widow"
"I am staying occupied" Is a self affirming litany to the rest of us who should admire those who became slaves to it rather than what should benefit them as a result.There are 4 definitions of the word OCCUPY.To engage attention or energies of,To take up space, To take and hold possession or control of, as an army, and to reside in as a tenant. In every case, it takes precious time from those it effects"
"If you resist reading what you disagree with, how will you ever acquire deeper insights into what you believe? The things most worth reading are precisely those that challenge our convictions." ~Author Unknown
"Actions speak louder than words, but there is very little to be gained on either side when the words of one become no more important than those of another. It is action that gives validity to thoughts."
Expecting a person have the quality of "acceptance" as a point of virtue, is dangerous to both the person who asks it, and the one who assumes the responsibility of doing it. For while it is expected we prove ourselves by the act, we are often never allowed to see what is poured in. Honey slips down the throat as easily as a blade is drawn across it"
" Whether the glass is half empty,or half full, a person would do better to ask themselves, exactly who does the glass belong to in the first place,what was poured in,and who poured it? Optimism is great , as long as you're not being forced to drink bullshit and expected by others to call it honey"
"People often surmise that anything a person does to keep someone must obviously prove their love. Maybe so. But then again there is that other little known quote. "If you love something, KILL it so that no one else can have it". It would be wise to know the motive for it prior to ascribing something as noble as love to the situation."
"Denial is an atrocious tragedy of the human condition. The only possible tactic to accommodate it now, is for most to ignore what they are no longer capable of in themselves, and hope that others can be deceived well enough, or long enough, to have them believe it."
"It is not a question of right and wrong that rules the world. It is how you learned "truth". Your loyalty to it can be used as a tool against you by those who would blind you from your own truth by holding you to the ever increasing demands of their own. That conflict can be used to benefit their wishes, and not your own path of truth. In the end, it is the conflict they will use to destroy you."
"The next time you need to screw something with some substance to it...go and hump a BRICK!"
"It is not enough to simply be human. If that were so, we would expect nothing more of ourselves except to be born. Humanity is a mastery of of the human condition, and is typified by those who express it to such a degree that it is relied upon by others separate from mere survival."
Being unrealized is worse than merely being incapable. It is the curse of willing people to be measured for what they can not be allowed to do, by giving notoriety to those who do nothing and succeed at it so effortlessly"
"You can lead a horse to water, and you CAN get it to drink. You can remove the tack and have it follow you in up to its head.You can climb onto it's back and let it know you are there. But when it comes right down to it, a man is going to be hard pressed to talk "horse sense" into an animal that feels that if God had intended it to have water,it would have done so without you ever having to lead it in the first place"
"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. Ezekial
In a world of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." George Orwell --
" 'I love you' and 'I am sorry' are two sentences that require only eight letters and mean far more about who speaks them, and who they are spoken to, than they imply. Both make a careless person expect and demand the full capacity of love and forgiveness on their own terms from you, while making utterly sure, and absolving themselves of the responsibility, that they are not expected to give anything more of themselves in return except to be believed and trusted for nothing more than the ability to say it."
"A person who is "nice" to you but not to the waiter...is NOT a nice person."
"There is no rational sense in expecting people to admire your "standards" if you change them depending on who you demand them of. There is even less in expecting a person who will not try to appreciate your attempts to live up to theirs."
"There is no difference between waiting too long to see if something will happen and waiting to see if something will not occur, and wait too long. In either case, it is you who is seen as the deciding factor and the failure either way. Wait too little, and it can be said you failed because of a lack of patience. Wait too long, and it can be assured you will have wasted the opportunity you were afforded to do otherwise."
"If the road you followed brought you to this.... of what use was the road?" - From a character, Anton Chigurgh in the film "No Country For Old Men".
"There is nothing easier than controlling a woman. You just force her to believe by whatever means is at your disposal that what she wants and needs most in the world is what you scare her into believing you will take away from her if doesn't comply. It doesn't matter if it isn't true. Only that she is afraid of it. In either case she will lose if she doesn't do what you say, and the best part is that she will believe that the failure was all her fault anyway" - Confessions Of A Narcissistic Man
"Some people confuse acceptance with apathy, but there's all the difference in the world. Apathy fails to distinguish between what can and what cannot be helped; acceptance makes that distinction. Apathy paralyzes the will-to-action; acceptance frees it by relieving it of impossible burdens.” Arthur Gordon
“Doubt, indulged and cherished, is in danger of becoming denial; but if honest, and bent on thorough investigation, it may soon lead to full establishment of the truth.” ~ Ambrose Bierce
“Never allow anyone to rain on your parade and thus cast a pall of gloom and defeat on the entire day. Remember that no talent, no self-denial, no brains, no character, are required to set up in the fault-finding business. Nothing external can have any power over you unless you PERMIT it. Your time is too precious to be sacrificed in wasted days combating the menial forces of hate, jealously, and envy. Guard your fragile life carefully. Only God can shape a flower, but any foolish child can pull it to pieces.”~ Og Mandino
"Life lived for tomorrow will always be just a day away from being realized."
"Love always creates, it never destroys. In this lie's man's only promise."
"Love is always bestowed as a gift - freely, willingly and without expectation. We don't love to be loved; we love to love."
"Love is always open arms. If you close your arms about love you will find that you are left holding only yourself."
Love is life. And if you miss love, you miss life."
"Never idealize others. They will never live up to your expectations."
"Only the weak are cruel. Gentleness can only be expected from the strong."
"The easiest thing to be in the world is you. The most difficult thing to be is what other people want you to be. Don't let them put you in that position."
Leo Buscaglia
"Many people fail miserably to differentiate between a hero and a highwayman while they search the road for happiness.The result of failing to notice it is to spend a life hissing false derisive contempt at heroes they failed to find on their own, while forced to smile with a dagger in their back at what found them first. Not to protect the false nature of all highwayman, but to keep from admitting to others their failure to know the difference before it was too late"
"Perhaps the worse thing about a monster is its inhuman ability to take away self appreciation from a person to such a degree that those robbed of it will actually defend everything that monster is at the expense of themselves. They then feed it, make it stronger and stronger by giving back something that the monsters have no need of in the first place. And why should it? What should it make for itself gladly that could be harvested so easily by others with fear? It has no understanding of what it takes from those around it in the way of emotion, because it isn't within them in the first place. The qualities it exacts from its victims are as useless in their importance as they are in their worth to take. It doesn't have within itself to love except by what can be had from it for its own perpetuation, or have compassion within itself unless it can benefit from it without expending its own energies. So it sucks off of those who not only posses it, but are incapable of or refusing to have it extracted from them. The truest of monsters are those who use the most terrified around them as a crutch. the worst part of the crutch is that those who have been used as such know exactly who they gave it to and what price was paid of themselves to do so. To walk away from that thing at that point, is to walk away from the only definition that they were ever allowed to put their energies into in the first place. Right or wrong, these monsters earned the weighty credential of longevity that more often that not is used as the defining rationale, and no degree of quality will ever win over a decision based on time."
"If you are looking to set healthy standards for yourself to admire, then it would be more beneficial to seek what the world has to offer through the love of a poet. True, not very many poets ever attained fame or riches, and when a poet is compared to those of more dubious professions. It is a very easy thing for a person to assume that everything within their view can be perceived as under their control. By painting all they see with a single sloppy brush, in only one color. That is not a mastery of everything. It is just what can be covered. It is mastery of a brush. But it takes a poet to be able to hold a single thing within his hand and paint it with a hundred colors. it is easy for anyone to loudly proclaim they have control of the things around them simply because they can pick them up and show them to others as belonging to them, but that does not mean that they have an understanding of what they hold. It takes a poet to show beauty in the mundane and admit that he has no control over it at all, and admires it even more because of it."
"Humility is nothing but truth, and pride is nothing but lying. -- Vincent de Paul
"Be mindful of what you pray for and why. He may just be listening.Be careful who you wish for.You just my get them. Be cognizant of what you ask and expect of them. They just may believe in you enough to accomplish it. But claim you don't deserve what was accomplished for you, is a monstrous injustice transferred unfairly to those who acted with hope, while you did nothing but pray and wish and expect."
"To always be intending to live a new life, but never find time to set about it - this is as if a man should put off eating and drinking from one day to another till he be starved and destroyed." ~Walter Scott
"To feel over weening pride for the victory of brief single events and unfairly proclaiming yourself a 'winner', is pathetic at best.Claiming a trophy by competing with only those you knew you could beat regardless, is no different than believing yourself a better runner in a race with the deaf, started with the sound of a gun.The difference between "dominating" and "indomitable" is what makes trophies worth the hoisting. Anything less, is simply pot metal, and tin, and polish."
"There is nothing worse than to throw up ones hands and surrender with the belief that you will be admired and respected for it. The future for those who do, holds no more promise than what was gained in the past with identical reactions. Admiring the same behavior by others as proof, implies that you recognize accomplishments as more worthy of your approval and support when they earn the lions share of it by doing nothing at all."
"There are dozens of ways to tell a lie, and countless deceptions that promote unworthy loyalty, but only one way to tell the truth. Call me lazy or unimaginative, but it seems to me I should have better places in life to expend my energies."
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"... Edmund Burke
"You will either learn what it means to truly love, or you will not. You will either offer that kind of love to another, or you will not. Those you offer it to will either accept that learned definition of love, or they will not. If they accept it they will either value and know the worth of that love enough to stay and return it, or they will leave. It is that simple.You give love. Everything else of love is not up to you, but it is not up to you to make excuses for the lack of it either"
"An 'affair' is usually a word used to do two things. The first is to imply that what was done intentionally as a physical act holds more shame and guilt than the often invisible acts that preceded it. The second is to foist upon a single person, the labels and consequences of betrayal,distrust, apathy,and disrespect by unfairly concluding that skin and bone takes precedence over thought and emotion. One can be seen, the other can not. But an affair does not occur when you leave. That is called a choice, and by leaving you show that choice to be worth it to yourself. An affair, and all the negative connotations derived from it, is what it is called, what you prove to be true, when you go BACK."
"I can feel the way I do because I know how important it is to understand touch. If you need to be touched, then expect it from a person who understands it beyond the simple process of applying friction to skin cells."
"I can say I know because I think for myself, and allow new ideas inside to make a better understanding. I can be compassionate because I understand it as something that is given to another person, not something to be harvested."
"Many of you are claiming to be looking for a hero. Someone who will rescue you from all that you dislike and what normally drives your spirit into the ground. But it isn't a hero. What you want is a person who will agree with your sense of values, treat you as though they are within you, and then gripe about it. you just want someone to agree with you, not change it. You don't need a hero, you need a commiserating accomplice."
"You are only truly a failure, to yourself and others as a person, if you give up yourself to a person who demands it of you as a price to be paid rather than admire you for giving it as a gift. If you have to give up everything you are to be their idea of perfect, then you were not their idea of perfect to begin with. That begs the question "Was there someone out there for me who would have loved me more by requiring I be nothing more than what I wished of myself?"
"A title or an accolade is not so much what it gives to you as much as what it takes from others.How you perceive that trophy, and how you went about gaining it, will decide for the rest of us whether you were worthy of it in the first place."
"Sarah, For a woman who is so overly obsessed with the height of fashion and the most expensive things, regardless of practicality, let me be the first to say that the neanderthal you stay married to went out of fashion in the 70's and drives you with all the class and sophistication of a green station wagon with faux wooden door panels."
"There is more nourishment in a simple bowl of soup offered in a home with an open door and a pure heart than could ever expect to be gained by a banquet at the estate of a man who felt you owed it to him to attend and complained about the servants in his own house."
"Excuses are not like assholes where we all get one. Excuses are more like hands. We accept into our open palms eight feeble justifications and two half-assed rationalizations for the things we should have chose to close into fists instead and pounded the responsibility into."
"Some people make a giant pile of crap. Others cover it with frosting and present it to more people, as though they were too unworthy to have such a feast as theirs.Which of the three is the worst?The ones who made nothing more than a mountain of shit, the ones who allowed to be seen as undeserving, or the ones who tucked into what they claimed as 'just desserts' and ate a pile of crap, all the while calling it cake?"
"Most people hew the battlements of life from compromise, erecting their impregnable keeps from judicious submissions, fabricating their philosophical drawbridges from emotional retractions and scalding marauders in the boiling oil of sour grapes." `Unknown
"..And these children(people, races,sexual identities, significant others) that you spit on(insult,disrespect,ignore,abuse,threaten)
As they try to change their worlds(as best they can with what remains of themselves)Are immune to your consultations(regardless of the ultimatums)They're quite aware of what they're going through(they just can't seem to escape from what you say they agreed to)"
"Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth". Albert Einstein.
"Being rich doesn't change your experience in the way you think.
"The only difference, basically, is that you don't have to worry about money, food,roof etc."But all other experiences -- emotions -- relationships -- are the same as anybodies, I know, I've been rich and poor, so has Yoko (rich -- poor-- rich) so whadya think of that. "Love John and Yoko."
" No one can tell you when you have finally had enough, and no one can tell you what is more important. Those are decisions every person has to make for themselves. But if you've come to the point that something is unacceptable, then spend the energy to quantify it for what it truly IS rather than wasting time trying to cope and manage yourself with what it isn't."
"A person(any person) deserves no less for themselves than what they would wish, expect or tolerate to be visited upon their own children. Anything else is to passively reinforce in the present what was unfairly condoned and endured in our own pasts. By defining for others, a future that is not ours to posses at all, we subject the worth of those children to be accountable our own personal expectations while we make them repeat our losses without any better chance ."
"Of course love is confusing. It's become typical to accept a bastardized version of what it should have been, magnified unfairly by a person who should typify it, exploit from another at their expense what they believed in enough to have how the other experiences it, be condoned as normal. Love, like Justice, is blind. But the bitch got ears don't she?"
"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.-George Bernard Shaw
"There is a big difference between "I won't" and "I can't" statements. "I can't" admits that there are forces, real or imaginary, which direct your actions away from your dreams, and have nothing to do with right or wrong. "I won't" at least assures that those being told so, are aware that it is our own choice to enable what will or will not be, and that right or wrong, we deserve the right to choose for ourselves."
"Today, My life is an utter Hell, but it is fair earned,honest, true in it's purpose. We wish better for us all. We will suffer the deeper cut, once, and be done with it. So much the better than to feign an imperfect smile daily, distort our happiness, and, in mute silence, ignore the invisible writhing inside ourselves, to contain a host of excuses, like spiders, beneath our skin."
"Few tragedies can be more extensive than the stunting of life, few injustices deeper than the denial of an opportunity to strive or even to hope, by a limit imposed from without, but falsely identified as lying within. Stephen Jay Gould
"There is no greater personal failure than for a person to sacrifice the better parts of themselves to become a definition of "perfect" to a someone incapable of understanding that perfection is not a quality that can be imposed from without. Except, perhaps,being a person who honestly believes they could be proud of what they took of them to make it."
"Most people see the difference between a choice and an ultimatum.Misplace defense with protection, allegiance with loyalty,and most importantly,enemies with friends, and see what happens.Emotions come from acts that quantify definition.As long as there is no demand of to be convicted to the definitions,and no demand of... others to uphold them,it should come as no surprise that what you feel is anything but comfort."
"Sometimes the most horrible thing about asking or praying for something is not that you don't deserve it,but the idea that when you finally get it, you believe yourself unworthy to have it be given to you in the first place. That's where all the wishing and praying is made meaningless and trite, and the efforts of others become mere semantics."
"It is not cowards who surround themselves with monsters. It is monsters who surround themselves with cowards. Cowards are the disposable pawns who insulate and facilitate otherwise incomprehensible acts and allow them to continue on their present course, unimpeded, while still enabling a monster to believe that fear was a small price to exact for false decency."
"Lying and deception are not the same thing. You can deceive inadvertently, but lying is an overt act. The true injustice is that while many can hang on tenaciously to their idea of honesty and refuse to be seen as liars, it is the deception they impart on you that has you believing it was YOUR fault for not noticing and achieves the same results as though they lied, regardless. Lying is shame on them. Deception is shame on you."
"In 1978, 918 people,led by Jim Jones, died after drinking fruit juice and cyanide.Was the ideology of the group to blame? Were the people themselves for being so foolish as to follow it? Some even blamed the efficacy of cyanide to kill.But lets put blame where it belongs.JIM JONES murdered 918 people because he could smile on the outside while handing them a poisoned cup and got them to believe it was for the best."
"Someone referred to their life the other day by saying "I'm just a busy bee in my cozy oubliette". I nearly choked. The word 'Oubliette' derives from the French word 'oublier' meaning to forget. The word 'Oblivion' is also a derivative. Shaped like a beehive, I wonder how one is shifted from a 'queen bee' to a worker drone without ever knowing it.Location location location?"
"Build fences, and walls, and battlements if you wish. That is a sign that you care to protect what you hold important. Be wary of diligently constructing it in such a way as to make any entry impossible,though. That is a prison in the guise of a fortress, obediently constructed by supposed cheerful labor of the condemned, and will ultimately ruin all chance of escape from within and all hope of rescue from without."
"It doesn't matter at all to believe you love someone in your own head, or how you think saying it is sufficient to prove it exists, if that is where it ends.Love is not defined by what you say it is. Love is defined by what you DO towards others and what they DO in return as acknowledgment. If you say nothing, do nothing, think nothing, feel nothing, expect nothing. all you have, all they feel, is nothing."
"Of course God hates divorce. Who wouldn't? But that does not imply that God would approve of continuing a system that was designed in one way and blessed with love, to be condoned simply by a letter of the law. The covenant of marriage was seen as good because when it was written it was fair.It was designed to protect those within it from the very things that should stay without. Not condone a single person to exact the same type of miseries to maintain it. God DOES hate divorce, but He hates a false marriage for the wrong reasons more than he does the letter of law."
"Everyone walks through own life holding hands with their idea of a higher power. To me, religion holds the shield against adversity. My God grants me the gift of 'free will' to hold a sword of conscience with my own hand and His in the other. But I am the master of my own destiny. Those who can not, prefer to cower beneath the shield of doctrine they hold for themselves, that excuses indifference, while expecting God do their dirty work for them, and by default implies they have no right to wield either one."
"Assuming a person can have new found happiness, after doing something that caused them so much grief in the first place, is much like expecting you could find a better way to look at life and see what is around you, by being hit in the testicles with a gravel rake."
"A fool and his money are soon parted. A person using someone Else's money is still foolish, but easily parted with? Not so much, as long as there is still something to be had."
"It is not the atheist nor the agnostic who should fear the collapse of a church upon entering it only occasionally to come to find solace in a nameless god. But it is nothing short of a miracle that the ceiling isn't crushed in weekly by The Creator, Himself, for the "pillars" of a congregation who see fit to presume their righteousness merely by their consistent presence alone."
"All important persons have about them someone in a subordinate position who has their ear. These dependents are very susceptible to slights, and, when they are not treated as they think they should be, will by well-directed shafts, constantly repeated, poison the minds of their patrons against those who have provoked their animosity. It is well to keep in with them. W. Somerset Maugham, The Razor's Edge, 1943
"To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men.” ~ Abraham Lincoln
"Desperation makes us do desperate things. Delusion makes us do nothing." ~Ted Spiker
"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children."
"Being unrealized is worse than merely being incapable. It is the curse of willing people to be measured for what they can not be allowed to do, by giving notoriety to those who do nothing and succeed so effortlessly"
“To regret one's own experiences is to arrest one's own development. To deny one's own experiences is to put a lie into the lips of one's life. It is no less than a denial of the soul.” ~ Oscar Wilde
"People often surmise that anything a person does to keep someone must obviously prove their love. Maybe so. But then again there is that other little known quote. "If you love something, KILL it so that no one else can have it". It would be wise to know the motive for it prior to ascribing something as noble as love to the situation.
"It is not enough to simply be human. If that were so, we would expect nothing more of ourselves except to be born. Humanity is a mastery of of the human condition, and is typified by those who express it to such a degree that it is relied upon by others."
"Whether the glass is half empty,or half full, a person would do better to ask themselves, exactly who does the glass belong to in the first place,what was poured in,and who poured it? Optimism is great , as long as you're not being forced to drink bullshit and expected by others to call it honey"
"Expecting a person have the quality of "acceptance" as a point of virtue, is dangerous to both the person who asks it, and the one who assumes the responsibility of doing it. For while it is expected we prove ourselves by the act, we are often never allowed to see what is poured in. Honey slips down the throat as easily as a blade is drawn across it"
"It is not a question of right and wrong that rules the world. It is how you view "truth". Your loyalty to it can be used as a tool against you by those who can blind you to your own truth by holding you to their demands . That conflict can be used to benefit their wishes, and not your own path of truth.In the end, it is the conflict they will use to destroy you."
"Denial is an atrocious tragedy of the human condition. The only possible tactic to accommodate it now, is for most to ignore what they are no longer capable of in themselves, and hope that others can be deceived well enough, or long enough, to have them believe it."
“Doubt, indulged and cherished, is in danger of becoming denial; but if honest, and bent on thorough investigation, it may soon lead to full establishment of the truth.” ~ Ambrose Bierce
"If you resist reading what you disagree with, how will you ever acquire deeper insights into what you believe? The things most worth reading are precisely those that challenge our convictions." ~Author Unknown
"Don't tell ME!I wasted 20 years on pathetic little creatures like those. Finally, thank God, a friend said to me, "Scrape 'em off, Claire. "If you want save somebody, save yourself." - Scrooged
This quote meant so much more when it was repeated by her as a premonition of what he taught to her.
"Some people confuse acceptance with apathy, but there's all the difference in the world. Apathy fails to distinguish between what can and what cannot be helped; acceptance makes that distinction. Apathy paralyzes the will-to-action; acceptance frees it by relieving it of impossible burdens.” Arthur Gordon
" 'I love you' and 'I am sorry' are two sentences that require only eight letters and say far more than simply saying them implies. Both make a person expect and demand the full capacity of love and forgiveness on their own terms from you, while making utterly sure they are not expected to give anything more of themselves in return except to be believed and trusted for the saying of it."
"To feel over weening pride for the victory of brief single events and unfairly proclaiming yourself a 'winner',is pathetic at best.Claiming a trophy by competing with only those you knew you could beat regardless,is no different than proving yourself a better by running in a race with the deaf and started with the sound of a gun. The difference between "dominating" and "indomitable" is what makes trophies worth the hoisting"
"After all is said and done, more is said than done." American Proverb
"Delusional shallow people are much like vultures who patrol the battlefields of heroes who took up arms against injustice, and look to pick the meat off the only remaining survivors"
"Human nature isn't second nature. It's first nature. And seeing it as second nature implies you already have a primary condition that is something incomplete. What the hell is that?
"Bullshit is usually preferred over any other medium to blanket a reality you paint for yourself. It spreads evenly and has far better coverage gallon for gallon than most of the other qualities. Apparently, it's the kernels of wisdom and the grains of truth they do not appreciate. Paint your world."
"The difference between a "mutual bond" and a set of manacles, is that the skeleton key to a mutual bond is available to either partner at any time. It retains the ability to be used to release themselves, should they feel they are receiving less than they deserve. Manacles do not."
"It doesn't matter what your title is. Its how you are treated for what they perceive you to be. A prostitute who is respected can have everything a princess has, but shes still seen as a whore. A princess can have so much less and be treated like a whore but shes still a princess. Its the title they allow that either saves them or damns them."
"It is wholly irrelevant whether you are a princess or a prostitute. Both are equal if the manner with which you attained that title came more from what you allowed yourself to be made into by the will of others, rather than what you already were, and seen for your own real worth by them, in the first place."
"Look people. If one more person tells me to "pretend" to be happy so that THEY can feel better, I'm going to smack them in the face with a BRICK! If that worked all we had to do to be blissfully content was to have someone else tell us what to think. Oh wait. That's workin' for ya isn't it?"
"When it comes to making decisions, it should be noted that there is a distinct difference between a choice and an ultimatum. A choice is a decision from within based on how you choose to alter or change your surroundings to benefit yourself. An ultimatum demands compliance regardless of choice and is imposed by those wrongfully enabled to dictate both your surroundings AND your decisions."
"History is not the story of heroes entirely. It is often the story of cruelty and injustice and shortsightedness. There are monsters, there is evil, there is betrayal. That's why people should read Shakespeare and Dickens as well as history ~~ they will find the best, the worst, the height of noble attainment and the depths of depravity. _Les Parott
"Putting the things that 'take your breath away' into your mind next to the place where you couldn't breathe, is much like expecting a "breath of fresh air" by sucking on a muffler"
"False pride acts as an unfair excuse for secrets.Secrets exist because of a fear of shame.Shame is the unfair substitute for guilt. Guilt is what we pay as penance to others for the happiness we need in ourselves. Happiness gained by this concocted recipe is tantamount to believing that all one need do is accept the cross of hubris from our own worst enemy, and graciously accept it with open arms as a beloved friend"
"False happiness renders men stern and proud, and that happiness is never communicated. True happiness renders them kind and sensible, and that happiness is always shared. " Charles de Montesquieu
"There is nothing worse than to throw up ones hands and surrender with the belief that you will be admired and respected for it. The future for those who do, holds no more promise than what was gained in the past with identical results. Admiring the same behavior by others as proof, implies that you recognize accomplishments as more worthy when they are achieved by doing nothing at all."
"There are dozens of ways to tell a lie, and countless deceptions that promote unworthy loyalty, but only one way to tell the truth. Call me lazy or unimaginative, but it seems to me I should have better places in life to expend my energies."
"Lionel-"Baby you know that I am your rock. I hold you to everything you know. Can't you see that I am what still makes you catch your breath and your heart race?
Rhonda "Yes,you are my rock, but you don't understand that there are only two things a rock can do; pin me to the ground so I can't move or breath, or make me sit on it while I wait to die. But you are just a rock. BE SOMETHING ELSE!"
"If you've been told and believe the old quote 'Don't wait for the storm to pass -- learn to dance in the rain', it should be noted that turkeys will either die of exposure or drown themselves to death while craning their necks to dance like a dervish in a deluge."
"If you ever fall in love with a dog owner, ensure the same demanded of obedient dogs are not the same as is expected of you. Sit(be where I put you). Stay(Remain there until I see fit to do otherwise with you). Fetch (Get it for me. I want it)Heel (Be ready to do it again). Roll over(Submit). Beg(Admit I am better and are willing to do what I want). All of them pretty demeaning in their own right. Play Dead (be no different than if you already were) being the worst"
"Bullshit is usually preferred over any other medium to blanket a reality you paint for yourself. It spreads evenly and has far better coverage gallon for gallon than most of the other qualities. Apparently, it's the kernels of wisdom and the grains of truth they do not appreciate."
"Human nature isn't second nature. It's first nature. And seeing it as second nature implies you already have a primary condition that is something incomplete. What the hell is that?"
"Delusional, prideful and shallow people are much like vultures who patrol the battlefields of heroes who took up arms against injustice, and look to pick the meat off the only remaining survivors"
"Some people confuse acceptance with apathy, but there's all the difference in the world. Apathy fails to distinguish between what can and what cannot be helped; acceptance makes that distinction. Apathy paralyzes the will-to-action; acceptance frees it by relieving it of impossible burdens.” Arthur Gordon
"Tenacity and resolution are qualities of heroes, not of cowards. Cowards however, will undoubtedly, and more often than not, expect and demand those two qualities of you as the substitute for what they were incapable of doing for themselves, and allows them to continue to control and direct what you have within you for their own purposes. We all seek what we need, and we seek what we do not have. That goes for heroes, as well as cowards."
"Be careful what you polish.Titles,accolades, and accomplishments are not so much what it takes from others as much as what it gives to you with our belief that you earned it. How you went about achieving that title,however, will decide for the rest of us whether you will be recognized for the rightful accomplishment or spit upon for the deception you used to take it. In either case, you get to keep the trophy. I'd employ it as a receptacle for spit"
"Sometimes the most horrible thing about asking or praying for something is not that you don't deserve it,but the idea that when you finally get it, you believe yourself unworthy to have it be given to you in the first place. That's where all the wishing and praying is made meaningless and trite, and the efforts of others become mere semantics."
"Most people don't know the difference between a choice and an ultimatum. misplace defense with protection, security with safety, allegiance with loyalty, and most importantly, enemies with friends, and see what will happen. Every emotion comes from acts that quantify the definition.As long as there is no demand of yourself to be convicted to the definitions, and no demand of others to uphold them for you, it should come as no surprise that what you feel is anything even remotely akin comfort or happiness."
"There is no greater personal failure than for a person to sacrifice the better parts of themselves to become a definition of "perfect" to a someone incapable of understanding that perfection is not a quality that can be imposed from without. Except, perhaps,being a person who honestly believes they could be proud of what they took of someone else to make it."
"It's very easy for a person of misplaced prideful intentions to be the masters of their own universes. They simply shrink the knowable world down to something so insignificant and trivial that they cant help but look like a god. The exact opposite; the ability to realize and accept how incredibly small and inconsequential we truly are when compared to the vastness of the universe, is the truest expression of humility. The great reward of this insignificance within a greater system, and the brief time we are given to experience it, is what defines the most gracious sense of happiness. If you want to feel big in your own universe, do so, but I myself feel it is better to have the happiness of knowing that I am not so needy as to deny my own higher existence to a minuscule ersatz system. With humility comes an awareness of the importance of compassion and value to brief things, and to be gracious while I stand in awe of everything around me."
" Someone sent me "The 48 Laws of Power". Do me a favor and PLEASE shoot me in the face if I EVER sink so low as to believe this is more important than being a human being. I remember a quote from the movie Aliens "You know, Burke, I don't know which species is worse. You don't see them fucking each other over for a goddamn percentage."
"You can't claim a higher insight, nor a deeper understanding, of anything if you've never been allowed to experience it for yourself. Too many ideologies in the world have become unbreakable dogma simply by keeping the truth away from the masses that would have benefited more by it for what they needed, at the expense of the few who wanted nothing except to have what could be taken for less, by a lie."
"To think intelligence alone is all that is required to outshine wisdom and personal experience, is insulting to half the human condition. One can not work without the other. Genius would do well to learn that more innovative progress came from the solving the countless failures of our collective past, rather than by sudden isolated epiphany"
"There is a difference between being protected and being defended. One sees fit to step into harms way at the expense of oneself for another. The other threatens harm to keep what has been gained for itself. Mother zebras defend their young so they can live. Jackals protect a dead zebra just so long as they can eat."
"I hate a fellow whom pride, or cowardice, or laziness drives into a corner, and who does nothing when he is there but sit and growl; let him come out as I do, and bark." Samuel Johnson
'Waiting' is a most duplicitous quality. While it is often demanded of someone else, it is far more likely that another will endure indefinitely for a reward they will never receive. From he who asks it of them, there is no inclination to give anything in the first place.'Waiting' is the silent choice to forever assume the consequences of stagnation on behalf of someone else who never gave it a second thought"
"There is absolutely ZERO toxicity to an environment or a situation that consistently gives the components necessary to feed, to nurture, and to grow."
Jesus fed 5,000 people with a loaf of bread. A miracle, but ask the 5,001st person and they might disagree.There is only so much,even for a God,that can be done.Make sure that what you are demanding of a person is not everything you need or want, but what they are capable of giving BEFORE you pass judgment on their worthiness. Not on their ability to accomplish it. Perhaps our greatest failure lies in how much we are asking."
"Any good sailor will tell you that you can't judge the depth of the water simply by looking at its surface. Many a good ship has been ground to sawdust at breakneck speed while measuring the waterline by the span of the bay. Worse yet, is to do it with someone Else's boat."
"Be mindful of what you pray for and why.He may just be listening.Be careful who you wish for.You just my get them. Be cognizant of what you ask and expect of them.They just may believe in you enough to accomplish it.But claim you don't deserve what was accomplished for you, is a monstrous injustice transferred unfairly to those who acted with hope, while you did nothing but pray and wish and expect."
" 'By all accounts" is a rather powerful reference about yourself from those who know you. The truest test of a persons character is who they are when no one is looking, but even better when it doesn't change at all even in a room full of people."
"BRAINWASHING- The application of coercive techniques to change the values and beliefs, perceptions and judgments, and subsequent mindsets and behaviors of people, usually for political, financial, personal, or religious purposes."
"There is no possible way for a person to be admired for the ability to cope and endure if it requires absolutely no effort to do so. Stagnation is a quality if prolonged immobility and indecision and it stinks."
"Every person is given the raw ingredients needed to make themselves from a pantry of limitless possibilities. Some people produce nothing more than a voluminous pile of crap and offer it up as the best they could be expected to make. Still more, cover these piles up with frosting and present it to others as though it was their responsibility in life to do so at the expense of themselves. It is then presented to even more people, as though those they parade it in front of were too poor, or unworthy, to have such a feast of frosting at all. And I am not sure which of the three is the worst. Is it the ones who made nothing more than a mountain of shit, the ones who allowed themselves to be seen as unworthy or undeserving by longing for that which was no better than what they had, or the ones who tucked into what they perceived as their 'just desserts' and, with a silver spoon, ate a mountain of shit, all the while calling it cake? "
"A person (any person) deserves no less for themselves than what they would wish, expect or tolerate to one day be visited upon their children. Anything else is to passively reinforce in the present what was unfairly condoned and endured in our past by making an unsatisfactory future that is not ours to posses, be defined by our own personal sacrifices. And when this happens, are you so sure that you have fostered within them an environment that is conducive to aid?"
Each has but one lifetime.Learn the wrong things from the wrong people for the right reasons and it steals time.It takes time to realize you may be being exploited for it.It takes yet more to escape.In truth,you will waste the whole of your existence learning that those you would give a lifetime,took it from you before you could ever offer it,yourself.Sadly,there is nothing left to make the measure of your existence"
Looking for a brick...
ReplyDeleteGold. Pure GOLD!!
ReplyDeleteThis reads like a rule book for humans. Too bad most would read and then say "Yeah but.."
ReplyDeleteAlways a pleasure to read you, can't wait to have more!
ReplyDeleteSo sorry to hear that despite all of your best efforts, that things did not go as you had hoped or planned. I always knew you would never quit on her, but that does not change the fact that some people will never see what is directly under their noses if it was their intention all along to ignore it even if it was. Hopefully she will find what she is looking for, but if not,perhaps one day she will look back and realize that you were far more to her than she ever thought. Not a comfort if it is not with her to share that thought, I know, but it does not change the truth of it.